Affiliate Program

Global Crafts Wholesale Affiliate Program (BETA)
Whether you have an ecommerce site that sells our products, a B2B blogger or a web site that attracts Retail Store Buyers our affiliate program is a great way to help us grow Fair Trade sales and to earn an income from your website. A typical wholesale order is around $500 (5% is typically $25). The tracking cookie will last 90 days, meaning a customer must order within 90 days of clicking your link. The program is very straight forward.

  1. 5% commission is paid monthly by check for affiliates who have a balance of $25 or more.
  2. We are strictly wholesale – so please make this clear in your links, we will not fulfill or pay commission on retail orders.
  3. Commission is paid once per customer.
  4. We reserve the right to reject an affiliate application or terminate your account or the program at any time without being liable for any harm it may cause or loss you may incur.
  5. Once accepted you will receive an email invite with a login to a reporting and link building page.

How to apply:

Please complete the online form here
Please note your application will be reviewed before approval. Once approved you will receive an email directing you to the affiliate account page where you can generate links and view sales reports. To get a link to our home page, generate any product link and it will also be generated. If you have questions please submit them by email to

How do I use the affiliate link?

Can I use your logo as a link ?

Sure – right mouse click the logo and save it to your computer.
